Inspriring Young Creators, Writers, & Readers

We are excited to introduce Aspire, a program designed to inspire imaginations and promote reading by publishing content that kids help produce for other kids to enjoy.


About Aspire

Nothing exists without creativity. At Read1More we believe the more a child embraces their imagination and creativity the more it helps them grow in so many ways. We also believe that ALL kids are creative, but some are simply less willing or confident to embrace it. Our Aspire program helps encourage that willingness by offering several ways for ALL of our young readers to get involved with much of the content we publish.

Through specific reader engagement tools Read1More makes it possible for all of our young readers to help decide future titles, characters, and storylines yet to be developed. Read1More also offers schools, libraries, and other partners the opportunity to submit entire stories that we then digitally publish for all of our readers to enjoy.

The overall goal of Aspire is to encourage kids, beyond Aspire, to keep creating, writing, and imagining more and more every day! The unique peer-to-peer library of content generated through Aspire provides young creators with positive inspiration because they know that kids just like them are enjoying stories they helped create!