Read1More offers our zoo partners several product options.



First, we have made WILD ANIMAL DIARIES available to zoos. WILD ANIMAL DIARIES is one of our premier digital imprints. This is a pre-reader to young reader imprint and is subscription based. Each episode is a fun diary entry told by young animals themselves. Most episodes include illustrations; plus, most episodes include unique reader engagement tools that give readers the abiltiy to help decide future titles to be developed!



Next, WILD ANIMAL DIARIES can be purchesed in two different formats. It can be purchased as a promotional item to generate greater engagement from your patrons; or it can be purchased as a retail product for resale purposes. For either format we provide special collectible cards that generate residual or repeat customers.



Read1More offers zoos the ability to host writing contests or other events that promote customer engagement. We then digitally publish the winning works to a special zoo-specfic library for our larger reader network to enjoy.(Note  Read1More provides content guidelines outlining certain requirments for all content that we digitally publish in conjuction with our partners.)


If your zoo is looking for a wonderfully unique product, contact us today to learn more!