Promote your tourist destination with epic digital novels!


Travel destinations make up a very unique vertical for Read1More. Whether we are working with a destination area's visitors bureau or the area's hospitality businesses directly, they all offer a market overflowing with readers... AND WRITERS. The opportunities for creating entertaining content, both fiction and non-fiction, are also fantastically abundant.

Read1More offers subscription-based library options for partners needing an engaging amenity to share with their traveling customers. These continuously growing libraries can be branded for our partners so their guests can take the wonderful amenity with them to enjoy throughout the year.

Our flexibility as a digital publisher makes it possible for us to provide our destination partners with the opportunity for what we like to call "collaborated content". There are many writers and want-to-be writers amongst the thousands of visitors that destinations and thier local businesses entertain each year. Read1More offers our partners the opportunity to host writing contest events, from which Read1More then digitally publishes the winning works for our entire destination reading audience to enjoy! (Note: Read1More provides content guidelines outlining certain requirments for all content that we digitally publish in conjuction with our partners.)

So, if you are a destination or hospitality related business and want to learn more about the great customer engagement services that Read1More offers, send us an email today and let's start telling stories together!